
Flu Recovery, Naturally

The flu virus is a perfect example of when complementary medicines like homeopathy could make a big difference. Why bother? Because according to WebMD, which cites the Centre for Disease Control, the 2018/19 flu vaccine was only 29% effective for the entire flu season—and the previous year, the CBC podcast White Coat Black Art discusses the problems associated with recommending a flu vac[...]


Heel Spurs: Homeopathy 101

Heel spurs are deposits of calcium along the heel. While heel spurs may be the cause of inflammation in the heel, not all types of heel pain are due to heel spurs, and not all heel spurs cause pain. Because they are calcium deposits that typically form after an injury, they do show clearly on an X-ray. Calcium deposits do take a period of months to develop, and they become more common as[...]


Webinar: Natural First Aid Remedies for the Home

Homeopathy shines in cases of first aid, where remedies tend to work quickly to alleviate pain and help support the body’s healing. Here’s a webinar for mom, dad or anyone wanting to keep a few natural remedies at home in case of injury or first aid, and there’s a bit of an introduction to homeopathy as well, including how to take the remedies correctly. Here’s a webinar for m[...]


The Case of a Seven-Year-Old Boy with Recurring Tonsillitis

I love the way kids are just themselves in my office, whether they are shy, rowdy or just ignore me! This boy is a sweet one, a little shy, tall and quite slim. The problem started with what seemed to catch a regular cold two years earlier, but he never fully recovered. Since then, he’s been on many rounds of antibiotics, but the last two months had been the worst. His mother wa[...]


Heal Heel Pain with 3 Simple Remedies

Feet are under-appreciated. We use them every day all day, forgetting what loyal servants they are until a problem arises—and then it’s typically a big problem. Heel pain tends to be one of those big problems because it prevents us from enjoying the activity we are used to. Exercises are often necessary, but not typically enough. This is where homeopathy comes to the rescue. r[...]


Homeopathy for Allergies

Spring means warmer days, budding flowers and trees—and if you’re unlucky, the appearance of watery eyes, runny nose and itchy throat—all hallmark symptoms of hay fever. Allergies are on the rise due to warmer seasons and an increase in toxic chemicals. read more[...]


Colicky Baby? Homeopathy to the Rescue

Just when you feel like you have your new life under control—well, sort of—it hits. Your three to six week old baby cries for hours, won’t be soothed and won’t sleep unless you carry her everywhere. You’ve ruled out the usual problems, no diaper changing needed and he’s not hungry—so it’s likely your baby is colicky. If in doubt, always double check with a doctor to rule o[...]


The Science Behind Homeopathy: Insights from a London Conference

Homeopathy has such clear evidence in its favour and yet it is so quickly criticized by skeptics in the medical field because many believe it cannot possibly work. That was the experience of Dr. Peter Fisher, who knew both sides of the argument better than anyone, as the director of research at the Royal London Hospital for Integrated Medicine, the president of the Faculty of Homeopathy,[...]