Who doesn’t love traveling to hot, sunny climates during the cold winter season? Yet there’s nothing worse than being sick while on holidays, whether diarrhea is due to unaccustomed foods, germs or parasites. Taking a few remedies with you just in case is always a good idea, as homeopathy can ease discomfort and help the body recover if you do get sick.
Homeopathic remedies for the acute phase
Here are the the top remedies for traveller’s diarrhea:
Arsenicum album 30ch is the main remedy to consider for diarrhea combined with vomiting. The person is weak and restless – and the symptoms are worse at night. With Arsenicum album, the mood turns fearful and anxious. The stool is burns and may be the consistency of rice water. This remedy is widely available in home remedy kits.
Veratrum album 30ch rivals Arsenicum album in traveler’s diarrhea, although it’s not often found in homeopathy home remedy kits. Like Arsenicum album, consider Veratrum album when vomiting and diarrhea are present together. When exhaustion accompanies beads of cold sweat on the forehead, Veratrum album is the better fit. There may be straining and painful stool, sudden, even involuntary. While Arsenicum album helps diarrhea with a feeling of coldness, those needing Veratrum album feel ice cold with utter exhaustion.
Nux vomica 30ch: is not a common diarrhea remedy, except when the main symptom is urging and cramping with little relief. There may be more retching than vomiting and more urging than stool. Like Arsenicum album (and Veratrum) the person needing this remedy is chilly and can’t tolerate any drafts. Nux vomica is often for people who get irritable when sick.
Bonus remedies
Podophyllum 30ch: While the above remedies may be all you ever need, for traveller’s diarrhea, Podophyllum is another good emergency remedy. Again, it’s not often found in the home remedy kits, but it’s memorable because it will help when a great deal of gas, rumbling and explosive diarrhea is experienced. With Podophyllum, the stool has so much gas mixed in that it fills the toilet bowl – apologies to squeamish readers, as unfortunately we need the details in homeopathy to get the remedy right!
Chamomilla 30ch: Finally, let’s not forget Chamomilla 30ch for those children who have diarrhea with a terrible, fickle and irritable mood. There are cramping pains and the stools are like chopped spinach with a terrible odour. Chamomilla is often associated with teething and colicky babies, but you don’t need this necessarily, as long as the symptoms fit. You can’t miss the screaming and sensitivity of a child who needs Chamomilla.
Recovery phase
While recommending homeopathic remedies for the recovery phase is a bit tricky – as this often blurs into constitutional care that takes many more symptoms into account and may require the expertise of a homeopath – two remedies do stand out. The general rule in homeopathy is that you can’t give anything automatically, but rather tailor it to the symptoms experienced for best results. When symptoms improve, stop.
China officianalis 30ch: If the acute phase has passed, but you’re feeling weak and worn out with a case of sensitive nerves, then China will help. Always consider China when there is weakness after loss of fluids, diarrhea included. Sometimes China is also needed in the acute phase, as it is a near specific for giardia when there is a lot of gas, bloating and cramping with the diarrhea.
Sulphur 30ch: Consider Sulphur when acute symptoms passed, if symptoms are still present and the chosen remedy is no longer helping. Symptoms that indicate Sulphur are urging to stool in the early morning, even driving the person out of bed. The stool is typically the stool is hot, burning and smelly.
When it comes to traveller’s diarrhea, the old saying “an ounce of prevention is a pound of cure” certainly holds true. Avoid ice, tap water – even brushing teeth in tap water and freshly washed salads and fruit should be avoided. Remember that intensity of illness can also be due to amount of exposure, so a little diligence is often enough to keep infections down. Of course, some people are more susceptible than others, so if you know you’re susceptible, be extra diligent. Also know that travellers diarrhea can take a little time for the body to recover, depending on the amount of exposure. If symptoms persist, seek the expertise of a homeopath.
Choose the remedy that best suits the symptoms experienced. For intense symptoms, repeat the 30ch potency hourly, for moderate symptoms repeat every 2-4 hours, and for mild symptoms repeat 3 times daily. After 3 -4 doses of repeating frequently, such as every 1-2 hours, then repeat as needed after each problematic stool or 3 times daily until symptoms subside. If symptoms change and the remedy is no longer working well, switch to the next best fit. Note that only a few remedies are listed here, so if symptoms don’t improve quickly, seek the advice of a homeopath for a better match.
Of course, if diarrhea and/or vomiting is severe, don’t wait long before consulting a medical professional and watch for symptoms of dehydration. Even in mild cases, staying well hydrated will help minimize symptoms and maximize recovery. Children especially should be monitored for signs of dehydration – popsicles are often helpful here if they’re not naturally thirsty.
Looking for a book on homeopathy to take while traveling? The Natural Medicine Guide for Travel and Home by Richard Pitt is an excellent resource. My second choice is Homeopathic Guide for Travelers – Remedies for Health and Safety by Ravi Roy and Carola Lage-Roy. Both books have good suggestions on avoiding sickness, what to eat when ill and other practical tips, alongside remedy choices.