This week is going to be HOT, and it is the perfect time to get down to the beach, hang out at the lake, or head out of the city altogether. Whether it’s a family camping trip or a hike up the mountain, here are some homeopathic remedies you will most definitely need to take with you:
Summer heat can add a lot extra strain on any body, so if you’re feeling weak, choose one of the following:
Carbo vegetabilis 30ch: The Great Reviver. For exhaustion and fainting, Carbo vegetabiliis should be in every natural emergency kit.
Veratrum album 30ch: When symptoms lean toward heat exhaustion, the skin becomes uncannily cold and covered in sweat, combined with intense weakness and collapse. Although not an alternative to going to the hospital, this remedy will help manage symptoms
For symptoms of true heat stroke (headache, fever, delirium) or heat exhaustion (collapse, and cold sweat) get medical care immediately.
Prevention is always the best medicine, so in the scorching heat, find cool shade, drink lots of water, don’t overdo it, and keep your blood sugar stable. When needed however, remedies are a great natural way to help in your healing endeavours.
Sun Headaches
Belladonna 30ch: For throbbing, congested headaches that develop suddenly after falling asleep in the sun. Typically, Belladonna will help those hammering headaches with red face and cold hands and feet. Belladonna is excellent for fevers too, so it can help symptoms while on the way to the doctor if sunstroke develops.
Muscle Cramps
Muscle cramps are particularly common in the summer heat when minerals are lost through sweating and its hard to keep fluid intake high enough when physically active. This remedy is sure to keep you moving and able to enjoy the sun:
Cuprum metallicum 30ch: absolute best for excruciating muscle cramps. If Cuprum is not in your Homeopathy Kit, take Magnesium phosphoricum 30ch instead.
For Sunburns
Tip: The sun is particularly hot in the middle of the day, so whenever possible, cover up, avoid direct sun between 10 am to 3 pm and choose a natural sun screen to avoid the chemical load that “normal” sun screens have. Unfortunately, a sunburn is sometimes unavoidable, so make sure to bring one of the following remedies:
Cantharis 30ch: best choice for lobster-like burns that blister or for skin close to blistering; Cantharis 30ch will manage the pain while helping the body heal itself faster.
Urtica urens 30ch: for lighter burns when itching and burning becomes intolerable. If symptoms are particularly mild, a cream version of this is the better option. Another alternative is widely available aloe vera gel that soothes and cools as a topical treatment (and isn’t greasy). Calendula tincture diluted 1:3 rinsed or dabbed on is an excellent healer and prevents scarring when burns are bad.
Bites and stings
Summertime is the season for insect bites and remedies can quickly manage pain and inflammation.
Apis 30ch is an excellent remedy for stings when swelling is the main symptom along with burning and stinging pain.
Ledum 30ch is an alternative remedy for stings when applying cold is particularly soothing, and when the swelling may not be as pronounced. although either Ledum or Apis will often work in an acute situation.
What is homeopathy and how is it different?
Homeopathy is a type of natural medicine that has been trusted for over 200 years and used by over 200 million people worldwide. Because it uses very small doses of natural substances, it’s a remarkably safe medicine that is without side effects, does not conflict with conventional medication and has plenty of scientific evidence. For homeopathic remedies to work correctly, they must be chosen according to the unique symptoms a person experiences, rather than by name of the illness.
Choose the best matching remedy in a 30ch potency, dissolving 3-5 pills on the tongue every 2-4 hours for 3 doses. Homeopathic remedies must be stopped as soon as symptoms improve. If symptoms return, continue the remedy for up to three days. For intense symptoms while on the way to the doctor, take every 15-30 minutes for 3-4 doses or as needed. If there is no change after 3-4 doses, choose the next most suitable medicine or seek a homeopath for a more accurate choice of remedy or for constitutional care. Whenever symptoms last or recur, constitutional homeopathic remedies can help the body recover more fully.
Final Note: use common sense when using home remedies–when in doubt, seek medical advice.