Homeopathy works with the body’s natural ability to heal itself, so remedies often work quickly to resolve menstrual cramps unless there is an underlying issue, and then constitutional treatment is recommended to reduce symptoms over time alongside the symptomatic prescriptions.
Magnesia phosphorica is my top homeopathic remedy for menstrual pain since the symptoms reflect those typical abdominal cramps when you want to apply heat and gentle pressure. The homeopathic medicine Magnesia phosphorica 30ch is a potency which should bring improvements fairly quickly: take every 2 hours for 3 doses and then 3 x daily until the symptoms subside. Or to help alleviate cramps before they even start, take the Schuessler mineral salt Mag phos 6x; this #8 cell salt is known as the homeopathic muscle relaxant and pain reliever because it works well for any type of cramp, whether it be for the menstrual period, neck or back tension or nightly leg cramps. Since the 6x is a low potency, repeat often in the pain phase – every 30 minutes for 3-6 doses and then 4x daily for a few days. For low grade pain, every 2-4 hours should do the trick.
If instead, menstrual cramps appear suddenly and violently, with waves of pain, Belladonna 30ch is the better choice, as the symptoms match those super intense menstrual cramps. Belladonna is often useful when there is a lot of heat and congestion in the abdomen and core, though the hands and feet remain cold. Any pains tend to be throbbing and hammering, and rise and fall in waves. The bleeding is usually heavy.
Pulsatilla is another remedy to consider, though this does tend to be more of a constitutional remedy, for when pains recur if they are changeable and erratic – first up the back, now down the legs. Pulsatilla type pains can also reach an intensity but not always, and they certainly don’t start out that way (Belladonna begins with intensity). Unlike Magnesia phosphorica which craves heat, someone needing Pulsatilla may easily feel suffocated in a warm room, and may throw off the covers and open the windows. Usually there is bloating and rumbling in the abdomen with stools that are also changeable, sometimes hard, but then also loose. The mood is tearful, alternating and there is a constant need for affection and attention.
Homeopathy versus conventional medication
While these top three homeopathic remedies for menstrual pain are the most common, know that there are others. Since homeopathic medicines work with the body’s own healing mechanisms rather than just killing the pain itself, remedies must be tailored to the person not the disease, so pick the remedy which best describes you. This is opposite to what we’re used to in conventional medicine, which selects a painkiller for any type of pain. The advantage of selecting a remedy that best suits the person instead of the diagnosis is that symptoms return less often and less intensely besides managing pain. The other benefit is that if you must take medications, know that homeopathy will not conflict and the two can be taken simultaneously when necessary. However if you can wait and see the action of the homeopathic medicine, this is ideal, because you won’t know which is helping if both are taken at the same time. Finally, know that in homeopathy there are no side effects – homeopathic medicines don’t harm people or the planet.
The research
A recent study, published in the Journal for Complementary Integrative Medicine in June 2021, compared individually selected homeopathic medicines with a placebo or sugar pill effect in the outpatient department of the Homeopathic Medical College and Hospital in West Bengal, India. In India, homeopathic medicines are commonly used in hospitals alongside conventional medicine – how amazing is that? The conclusion of the study: “Homeopathic medicines acted significantly better than placebo for treatment of primary dysmenorrhea (menstrual pain).” The medicines chosen were based on constitutional prescriptions for recurring, chronic symptoms of hormonal imbalance rather than for acute – or in the moment – type pain symptoms, which are listed in this blog post, so if you find the remedies aren’t quite doing the trick, know that there are others that could help.
In fact, there are many reasons for menstrual cramps, so if they are chronic, recurring or debilitating – or combined with other symptoms – make sure you get a proper diagnosis from your medical physician and see a homeopath for a constitutional remedy that will lessen overall symptoms and help you feel healthier and happier overall.