Is a 90 minute consultation to allow for a thorough evaluation of your health overall and to address root imbalances. You will be asked details about your symptoms, health goals and other questions about your unique history, digestion, stress, sleep etc. *
Is a 75 minutes consultation and includes 45 minute office time and 30 minute phone call with a parent prior to the initial appointment.
Is booked within the week to pick up your remedy, allowing time for your homeopath to thoroughly assess and tailor the remedies to your unique symptoms and health needs. At this appointment we will discuss your personalized health plan. **
Are typically booked monthly (also more or less frequently as needed) for the first few months to ensure the best long term outcome. During these appointments, we discuss your personalized health action plan, assess remedy selections and determine how to best maintain optimal health. Packages include additional benefits and best rates–please inquire.
Are available for simple illnesses that develop unrelated to constitutional care. Homeopathy is an excellent medicine when a home remedy is needed to shorten duration and improve symptoms, however homeopathy should never replace conventional medical diagnosis or emergency treatment.
* Appointments can be booked at the office or virtually over Zoom/Skype. For appointment rates please see the Appointment FAQ page
**The remedy may also be mailed to you upon request and the appointment can be made over the phone or virtually. .
Initial 90 minutes also includes remedy pick up/plan (15 minutes).
75 minutes–typically 30 minutes phone consult; 45 minutes office/and pick up and plan (15 minutes included).
45 minutes consultation.
30 minutes office, 10-15 minutes phone consult.
15 minutes consultation.
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