
How to Beat Jet Lag Naturally with Homeopathy

Homeopathy for Jet Lag Photo by Gustavo Fring: https://www.pexels.com/photo/cheerful-stylish-woman-sitting-on-suitcase-in-front-of-contemporary-glass-building-on-urban-street-3885499/

We’re back flying across the globe - hopefully with more carbon offsets and direct flights - but along with the wonders of air travel comes the struggle of jet lag - homeopathy can help. While traveling afar fuels the adventurous spirit, the body often lags in its enthusiasm - and sometimes a little extra help is needed to avoid symptoms. Here are some tips for jet lag prevention along w[...]


Homeo-Relief for Menstrual Pain

Homeopathy works with the body's natural ability to heal itself, so remedies often work quickly to resolve menstrual cramps unless there is an underlying issue, and then constitutional treatment is recommended to reduce symptoms over time alongside the symptomatic prescriptions. Magnesia phosphorica is my top homeopathic remedy for menstrual pain since the symptoms reflect those typical a[...]


Homeopathy Recovery for Grief and Trauma

A teenage girl loses her best friend to suicide and can’t eat or sleep. A young man experiences a humiliation during a break-up and develops debilitating headaches. We all think of counselling for these situations and of course, counselling is a first step, but it is not always enough - which is when homeopathy can help. Here in Canada though, many people aren’t even aware that homeopa[...]


Homeopathy Help for Pesky Summer Bites and Stings

Summer is insect season and those pesky bites bother most everyone, even city dwellers - though they can be most tormenting on an outback camping experience. Why not turn to natural homeopathic remedies to help soothe the itch of mosquito bites and the pain of wasp stings? Nothing beats prevention however, so change into long pants and socks when hiking in tall grass to discourage tick bit[...]


Homeopathic Trio for the Summer Cabin

Summer is the time to flock to the lake, or if you’re on the Coast, to the island. Remote locations are part of the great Canadian experience, and first aid kits are a must. While bandages, tweezers and painkillers are essential in case of any emergency, you can support the body’s recovery process with homeopathic medicines, easing the pain, suffering and shortening healing time of mos[...]


How Homeopathic Medicines Are Made

Having been asked whether I prepare the homeopathic medicines I dispense myself, I realize that there may be some confusion about where these natural medicines come from. Although I haven’t actually asked the thinking behind the question, I imagine the idea is that I have some sort of a lab in my basement. Unlike herbs which you can gather and prepare yourself, the making of a homeopath[...]


Beat Fatigue Naturally with Homeopathy

Exhaustion and burnout are at the top of the list of health concerns this winter - whether you’re a parent juggling work and kids, student working long hours, recovering from an extended cold or flu - or just exhausted by the demands of life in 2022 -  that feeling of being stretched too thin has never been so common as it is now. Homeopathy offers a unique solution as it works with th[...]


Separating Fact from Fiction – CBC Marketplace Exposé on Homeopathic Medicine

Homeopathic Medicine

When Marketplace aired their first expose on homeopathy back in 2011, it galvanized me. I thought if a big media giant like the CBC is so confused about homeopathy, then I’m going to have to do my part to set the record straight - and with that, I started to blog. I started blogging about the benefits, the science, the research and using homeopathy at home so everyone could see it work f[...]