Q&A: How to Take Homeopathic Medicines, in the Best Dose and Potency

Homeopathy is a system of medicine that is unique and wholly different because it taps into and revitalizes the body’s natural ability to heal itself rather than just suppressing pain or managing symptoms. As a result, each medicine must be tailored to suit the person not the disease – and leaves you more resilient. This also means, however, that how you give a homeopathic medicines is not like giving a supplement, herb or medication. It is very different.
Below are 15 of the most commonly asked questions I get about homeopathic remedies, the potencies and how to dose them correctly for simple, acute, short term health problems, such as a sprain, a cold or a child’s teething pain. Simple acutes can often be treated at home with homeopathic remedies, as you can see in my previous blogs. In fact, homeopathy often acts quickly in the middle of the night when children – and adults – tend to get sick. Or course, homeopathy works alongside, and not in place of, conventional medical care: if you need a diagnosis or unsure of the nature of your illness, you must seek medical care.
On the other hand, if you have a chronic recurring problem, seek the expertise of a homeopath. Recurring or lingering health issues tend to be complex, involve multiple body systems and require experience to assess and resolve. Usually the first appointment and remedy will kick start the process, but just like any treatment – counselling, massage, acupuncture etc. – you will need multiple appointments (and remedies, possibly) for optimum results.
If you have experienced an accidental sprain, back pain or a simple cold or flu, then choose the homeopathic medicine that best suits the symptom picture. If you’re new to homeopathy, pick up a beginner’s book, such as Homeopathic Medicine at Home by Heimlich and Panos or take a beginner’s course.
Here’s a quick Q & A guide to Homeopathic remedies, choosing the correct potency and how to dose correctly:
- What potency should I take? For short term problems, the 30ch potency is widely available and works fast. The 200ch potency is not recommended for home use unless under the direction of a homeopath because extra care must be taken with the repetition of doses. Lower potencies (6ch or 15ch for instance) can also be used.
- Where can I purchase them? Look for homeopathic medicines in the health section of your favourite grocery store. On the West Coast, this includes Choices and Whole foods. Many natural health pharmacies also carry homeopathy, for instance Pure Pharmacy. Alternatively, you can purchase them online from stores like Riverdale, Boiron Canada, Jackson’s Naturals, Homeocan and even Amazon.
- How much does it cost? Homeopathic medicines are inexpensive – A tube will usually cost around $10.00 and contains around 80 pills so there is usually enough to help the body recover from the same problem many times over.
- How does the dosage work? For a 30ch potency, give according to the intensity of symptoms rather than by body weight. Start by dissolving the recommended number of pills directly on the tongue for 3 or 4 doses and then as needed. Repeat according to the intensity of symptoms:
- Intense symptoms: Repeat hourly for 3 or 4 doses then 3 times daily
- Moderate symptoms: Repeat every 4 hours for 3 or 4 doses then 3 times daily
- Mild symptoms: Repeat 1-3 times daily
- Stop when symptoms are mostly better (90% improvement)
- How do I give an infant the medicine? If you have the pills, you can crush the pellets between two spoons and dissolve in a little water to give by spoon or dropper.
- How many pills do I take? This depends on the manufacturer. Follow the directions on the bottle or tube regarding how many pills to take.
- Do I take the pills with food or not? Avoid eating or drinking 5-10 minutes before taking or giving the homeopathic medicine. Water is fine. Dissolve on or under the tongue.
- What if I touch the pills? Ideally the pills should not be touched. Give the homeopathic remedy directly from the cap to avoid contaminating the remedy.
- If I miss a dose can I double up on the next dose? No, if you miss a dose, then pay attention – are your symptoms less intense? Once you feel 90% better, stop the medicine. If you missed a dose because you fell asleep, that’s usually a good sign. Repeat as needed. The body heals when it rests.
- Can I take multiple remedies at a time? It is recommended that you choose one medicines at a time in order to see the effects on your body. Homeopathic formulations with multiple remedies do make choosing a remedy easy and are fine to use for acute conditions. These formulas typically contain the most common remedies for a specific conditions – ie. loose cough – and often work for most people. However, they are not tailored to suit the symptoms you experience and choosing these may be a bit hit and miss.
- How do I know when to stop or change the medicine? Listen to your body as it will tell you when it needs more or less of the homeopathic remedy. If there’s no change after 3 or 4 doses of a medicine, then you may need to switch to the next best fit. If you’re very ill, you may need a medical diagnosis – you can still take remedies, but you may also need to consult a homeopath if the condition is more complex. If you are taking a homeopathic remedy but it is no longer helping or the symptoms have changed (you had a cold but now you have a cough), you may need to switch to a different remedy that suits the new totally of symptoms.
- What if the symptoms continue to worsen? If the symptoms are worse it’s likely the remedies aren’t working as they should. You either need to switch to a better fit or consult a medical doctor for a proper medical diagnosis – or both.
- Are there any side effects and do they conflict with conventional medications? There are no toxic side effects, and homeopathy does not conflict with conventional medications. Homeopathic medicines are even safe for pregnant women and young children – and elite athletes choose homeopathy because there are no doping effects. However, they are medicines, not supplements. If you continue to take the 30ch potency when you are well, you may experience an aggravation or proving symptom. If this happens, stop the medicine and the symptoms will disappear. Consult a homeopath for constitutional care if you have lingering symptoms.
- How long before I see an improvement? This depends on the problem. Usually we see at least some improvement in symptoms within 3-4 doses of a remedy but since we are working with the body’s ability to heal itself, it could take time for you to fully recover.
- Is there any research? Of course! Hundreds of studies show the benefit of homeopathic medicines. Check out my evidence page if you just want a handful, or if you’d like to do a deep dive into homeopathic research, go to the Homeopathic Research Institute. On their website you can find all the latest research, videos and have all your questions answered under their FAQ page.