My daughter was in grade 12 when she experienced symptoms of a mild concussion while playing in a finals soccer game – and let me tell you, although she was very familiar in concussion symptoms, it was not obvious at first. Finals are always intense, especially in front of the net, and when the two girls headed the ball, their heads met. Knowing the signs of a concussion, she took a moment to check in with herself: was she dizzy, nauseas or otherwise unwell? As none of these were the case, she went on playing until the end of the game. While she did experience a headache that evening, it was not until the next morning when we noticed a problem: the music appeared too loud, the light too bright and the headache was still present. We went to the doctor, who diagnosed her with a mild traumatic brain injury, even though the symptoms were minimal. The prescription: no screens, no soccer or vigorous activity and no exams, though attending school and regular daily activities were okay. There is no pharmaceutical medicine to help recovery from traumatic brain injury, but homeopathy is a powerful medicine because it triggers the body to heal itself, shortening healing time, minimizing symptoms and encouraging a fuller recovery.
If you’ve read anything about homeopathy, you’ll know that symptoms guide us to the best fitting homeopathic medicine. Unlike in conventional medicine, the symptoms must fit for the medicine to work: remedies are not chosen by diagnosis but by a symptom picture. But when it comes to injury, homeopathic Arnica is almost always the best course of action, at least at first. If you’ve read my previous blog about Arnica, you’ll already know that I recommend Arnica immediately after any injury that needs attention. This is also true in concussions: if time has passed since the concussion, then seeking the advice of a homeopath is recommended, but if the injury is fresh, then Arnica is always the first choice.
In my experience, homeopathy is indeed a little miracle medicine in cases such as these, particularly because there is no conventional pharmaceutical medicine that can help the body heal. Why it isn’t in every soccer and hockey bag is beyond my understanding, as Arnica is entirely non-toxic and can help the body recover faster – and the earlier it’s given the better. As I’ve written before, Dr. Jean-Marcel Ferret, team doctor to the world cup winning French soccer team said of homeopathy: “I can use it directly on the soccer field, within seconds of the trauma, and note the results almost immediately.” Within seconds of the trauma – meaning, homeopathy triggers the body’s healing response immediately. In France homeopathy is integrated into the conventional medical system, and in Germany 92% of team doctors working for the top-tiered soccer leagues (Bundesliga) use homeopathy to aid recovery, as explained in Der Spiegel. While I’m sure team doctors have other remedies in their tool kit, I bet Arnica is the most widely used by far. Homeopathy can be complicated, but not when it comes to Arnica. Exceptionally simple to assess and easy to give with no side effects or issues with doping, it can only help, not hinder. While you may not know if Arnica prevented symptoms or eased pain before symptoms started, if you’re already in pain, you’ll see the benefits for yourself.
Arnica 30ch dosages
I still recommend Arnica 30ch for home use, even in the case of something as serious as a mild traumatic brain injury. If the symptoms present an intense picture however, seeking the expertise of a homeopath is recommended. A homeopath can guide you into using higher potencies and the proper repetition and use of the remedies, adjusting according to the symptom picture. In some cases, following with other remedies may be necessary. For home use, the 30ch potency is widely available, tends to work quickly and can be repeated as needed. At the time of a head injury or as soon as possible after the injury (whether or not there has been a concussion) give a dose of Arnica 30ch every 2 hours for 3 doses then 3 times daily until symptoms subside. If symptoms are intense, it’s important to increase the frequency rather than the number of pills given at one time. Repat the remedy every 15-30 minutes for 3 or 4 doses and then 3 times daily. A common question is how many pills to give? This depends on the manufacturer, so follow the directions on the bottle. Usually one dose if 3-5 pills. In homeopathy, the golden rule is to stop the remedy when symptoms are 90% improved. With concussion symptoms, you can even repeat three times weekly if symptoms persist (or give as needed) as long as the remedy still seems to help. As soon as the remedy stops working, you must stop and follow with a better suited medicine.
The symptom picture
The symptom picture for Arnica montana is sore, aching pain, bruising and soft tissue damage with a feeling of not wanting to be approached for fear of being hurt. The initial reaction of someone who may need Arnica is “I’m okay – no problem – just leave me alone and I’ll be fine,” even though anyone can clearly see they are not fine. Any jarring, motion or exertion makes the pain worse. Touch also aggravates the pain, hence the fear of being touched or approached. Resting quietly typically eases symptoms. Arnica is often suggested as an anti-inflammatory remedy, but in homeopathy the symptoms must fit. Arnica is the remedy of choice for any blunt trauma, so for falls, bumps or accidents – even for sprains and strains in the beginning stages.
A different sort of symptom picture is presented by Natrum sulphuricum, to offer another example. While Arnica is always given as a first medicine immediately after injury, the symptoms of Natrum sulphuricum lie primarily in the mental-emotional sphere and may develop a little later, after Arnica has done its job. After a head injury, the person may become morose, depressed and find it difficult to concentrate. The mind is dull, confused, even sad. A person who needs Arnica may also present with symptoms of dullness and confusion, but not typically depression. Furthermore, for Arnica, the physical symptoms of bruising, soreness and aching are typically present, while for Natrum sulphuricum, those symptoms do not fit. There are other remedies to consider for concussions with lasting symptoms, such as Cicuta, Helleboris and others.
The research
According to the Brain Injury Canada statistics, traumatic brain injury is a leading cause of disability and affects approximately 165,000 people every year or 1.5 million Canadians living with symptoms at any given time. That’s a lot of people who could potentially benefit from a little homeopathy. Understandably, many people like to see the research before trying something new. Because homeopathy is exceptionally safe, inexpensive (so manufacturers don’t make large profits) and remedies are not given by diagnosis, there isn’t much research specifically on homeopathy for concussions. While there is a fair bit of research on Arnica for other conditions, such as for fractures and marathon recovery, homeopathy for concussions needs further attention. One pilot study shows the promise of homeopathy in mild traumatic brain injury: results suggest “significant improvement from the homeopathic treatment versus the control and translate into clinically significant outcomes.” While this is indeed a double blind placebo controlled study published in the peer reviewed Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation, of course the findings need replication.
What to expect
Giving Arnica 30ch early on may make it difficult to assess how well the remedy is working, as symptoms tend to improve with time, whether you take a remedy or not. Once you experience symptoms however, you’ll notice the Arnica ease symptoms, whether they be headaches, difficulty concentrating, light sensitivity or an aversion to noise. While remedies speed healing and assist in a fuller recovery, in homeopathy, we always pay attention to the symptoms a person experiences and adjust the remedies accordingly. If symptoms continue after a few weeks or the remedies do not seem to be working as they should, find a homeopathic practitioner to guide you. There are other homeopathic remedies for head injuries, including Cicuta, Helleboris and others, but you’ll need some expertise to choose the best fit.