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Homeopathy Monthly Masterclass

September 10, 2024 @ 6:00 pm - June 10, 2025 @ 7:15 pm


Thrive by taking a homeopathy class online, designed as a monthly Masterclass group -75 minutes once per month every Tuesday at 6 pm pacific time (Vancouver). Starts September and runs until June for just $149  (just $15 per session) – this is a small class designed to help you use homeopathy at home for yourself and your family. 

About the Masterclasses: If you have a foundation in the basics of homeopathy of homeopathy at home, you’ll benefit from a monthly class to keep you up to date in using homeopathy at home for simple problems. Every month we adjust the topic to the needs of the group – the format is always a short webinar followed by questions and cases. If you need a foundations class, take a look at the other events this September, 2024

    • learn the remedies in the first aid kits, along with other new remedies and strategies
    • dive deeper into the philosophy of homeopathy
    • have your questions answered – problem solving and support with the whole group
    • every 2nd Tuesday of the month 6:00-7:15 pacific time
    • live webinars with recordings available following each session
    • Register by email: nicole@vancouverhomeopath.com
    • Have a topic you’d like to cover? Let me know!

As an example here is a list of topics we’ve covered previously – we do adjust the topic for the group:

  1. October: Antimonium tartaricum and differentiating this from other wet cough remedies
  2. November: Drosera and differences with other dry cough remedies
  3. December: Argentum nitricum and differentiating it with other anxiety remedies
  4. January: Carbo veg and other exhaustion, slow recovery, fainting remedies
  5. February 7, 2023: Ipecacuana and other nausea/vomiting remedies
  6. March 14: Kalium bichromicum and other cold and allergy remedies
  7. April: Lachesis, sore throats and hormonal remedies
  8. May 9: Lycopodium and other digestive remedies
  9. June: Natrum muriaticum, allergies and other grief and trauma remedies
  10. July: Summer injuries, dose and potency
  11. August: Summer bites and stings, Apis and the importance of symptoms
  12. September: Summer wildfires, trauma – Aconite!
  13. November Homeopathy for Headaches

To sign up: email me at nicole@vancouverhomeopath.com – to receive a Zoom link 

If you’re new to using homeopathy at home, you’ll benefit from taking the Winter Foundations Class first. Sign up here!



September 10, 2024 @ 6:00 pm
June 10 @ 7:15 pm


Nicole Duelli
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